St. Mark’s Community Church

Burlington | NC

St. Mark’s Community Church engaged Equip in need of a campus masterplan with an initial Phase 1 addition/renovation. The church’s primary goals for Phase 1 were to rethink the main entry and clarify the “front door” of the facility, expand the children’s ministry space, and provide a more functional gathering space for adults. This new, higher volume lobby space also provides SMCC with a café, a children’s wing entry and check-in space, various information and seating areas, and clear wayfinding to enhance the guest experience. The children’s wing addition provides new classroom space and features a new large group theater room.

To further develop the campus main entry, the Phase 1 project includes an outdoor plaza adjacent to the main lobby entry and café space.



Square Footage:

25,000 SF

Image Credits:

Electric Soul Creative

St. Mark's Community Church - St. Mark's Community Church