Hope Point Church
Hope Point Church
Spartanburg | SC
For 15 years, Hope Point Church had been meeting as a mobile congregation in a Spartanburg, SC school. However, they knew that to better love their underserved community, they needed a space of their own. Hope Point acquired a former car dealership on Asheville Hwy. to convert into their new permanent home and engaged Equip Studio to help turn their vision into reality.
Though the existing facility includes roughly 37,500 sf., phase 1 of occupancy only involved renovation of 60% of the space. This meant retrofitting the existing dealership into a 600-seat worship auditorium, lobby, several multipurpose spaces, kids’ classroom areas, and administrative space. The exterior was also modified to offer an inviting face and welcome the surrounding community.
Square Footage:
23,000 SF Renovated Space
Harper General Contractors
Image Credits:
Equip Studio