Athens Church – Phase 4
Athens Church – Phase 4
Athens | GA
In 2011, Athens Church purchased a former Walmart to convert into the new main campus of their thriving church. In 2014, they then acquired the surrounding buildings in the strip mall (despite never intending to), and quickly found themselves in need of a campus masterplan. By the next year and with the help of Equip Studio, the church had a masterplan that incorporated the entire development. They were ready to dive into the next phase of growth. We were honored to come alongside the church to help them answer the question: “What if?” The design of phase 4 facility expansion started to take shape. The result is a 2,000-seat worship center, relocated and dedicated youth venues, an expanded lobby and community space, and a new primary entrance that reflects the culture and personality of Athens Church.
Equip Studio partnered with BRR Architects to complete the Construction Documents and Construction Administration. Construction completed in 2016.
Square Footage:
217,577 SF
Interior Design:
Image Credits:
Brasfield & Gorrie, Equip Studio